As Jaswal row raged, People's Daily asked: Can China attack India?

As Jaswal row raged, People's Daily asked: Can China attack India?

1 Min

POREG VIEW:Talking peace and mounting heat is a part of the two-track strategy of China in its dealings with all its neighbours, India including. The General snub – the denial of visa to Lt Gen B S Jaswal, commander of the Northern Area sector, which includes Jammu and Kashmir, for a planned high level visit to Beijing in August, though he was an honoured guest in China during his stint as Tezpur Corps commander in Arunachal Pradesh- follows the known pattern. Cultivated enigma is China’s USP. And it  proves the continud relevance of the Truman advice to President John F Kennedy on the eve of his first summit with Nikita Khrushchev in June 1961.

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